Graphéine – Agence de communication Paris Lyon

Brand Strategy & Design


For 20 years,
Graphéine has designed
more than 1500 visual identities.

To design
is to create with purpose

Graphéine is a communication agency specialized in brand design and visual identities.

Our designers come from effervescent backgrounds, divergent career paths and a common addiction to image. They accompany you in the creation of strategies and brand design.


Our commitment.

Make you visible

Ensure that your  brand is visible  and identifiable  in any situation.

Make you understandable

Ensure that your brand’s purpose and motivations are clear.

Make you irresistible

Ensure that your brand has something magical, unique and desirable.

Open to possibilities

To be sustainable, your brand needs to be vibrant, agile and inspiring.

“The design is in the details”  

“Le design est dans les détails”  


A two-way process.

Analysis that defines
your strategy!

The development of a visual identity must be the result of an analysis as much as a projection.


We start by immersing ourselves in your world, a process which informs our diagnosis and recommendations. Then we experiment to reveal new forms and ways to deviate from the ordinary... All this while keeping one foot on the ground!


Aside from making you visible, the role of the creative process is to help you clarify your purpose. When this is done successfully, your brand universe will be born; it will be a world original and unique to you.


In addition to being a creative partner, our knowledge of media and communication tools means that we can also assist you technically.


Methodology overview.

Design is the sum of the transformative intent of the project (the purpose) and the imagination that takes shape (the design). 

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