Rebranding for the Fers Foundation (Fondation Entreprise Réussite Scolaire). The aim was to change the flower of their logo to give it a little bit of a facelift, and to improve the legibility of the name.
Created in 1990 by the City of Lyon and several companies, supported by the National Education of the Rhone and recognized as a public utility, the FERS promotes the opening of children to the economic, technical and cultural realities of the contemporary world. Giving meaning to learning at school, broadening children's horizons to give them confidence, valuing all forms of skills and all career paths, these are the objectives shared by those who are involved, whether they are from the educational world, the economic world, or elected officials.
Initially the flower could symbolize in a way the idea of "making the children bloom". Each petal represented a component of the foundation (children, parents, teachers and professionals). The idea of the association being in short to cross all these components in order to improve the blooming of the children.
Our work is therefore a logical continuation of this idea of a flower. To summarize our creative process, we blew on the flower to make it take flight, like a butterfly. "Giving wings to this little flower is like giving it the ability to surpass itself, to be transcended, and to access freedom. This is exactly the mission that the foundation has set for itself with regard to children.
We can add the idea of the butterfly effect. You know, the idea that a small change in initial conditions can bring about a big change in the end. It's another way of explaining their mission.
Graphically, the orthogonal composition of the butterfly produces a game of "shapes / counter shapes". So it looks like the word "Irons" is placed on a white cartouche in the foreground. This is certainly what gives the sign its dynamism.
The whole graphic charter will take up the geometrical simplicity of the logo, as well as the game of the 4 colors. Even the pictograms are drawn from these half circles. An exercise in style that we had a lot of fun with!