The first versions of the Akzidenz Grotesk were marketed in 1896 by the typofonderie H. Berthold AG.
We offer a "modified" version, with a simplified capital "E" with 3 horizontal bars. The personalization of this vowel (the most frequently used in the French language) creates a new distinctive sign.
Evoking rhythm, intervals and musical staves, this abstract sign becomes the letter "E" when integrated into a word.
The use of a single "horizontal" accent echoes the rhythm of the "E", like an additional line on a stave.
( On this subject: http://airoe.org/spip.php?article125 )
The use of this typeface makes it possible, with a certain economy of means, to set up an effective and adaptable identity system.
It symbolizes the prestige and history of the Sorbonne University.
We propose a simplified medallion that can be integrated into the typography.
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