The vinyl sleeves come to life with jazz. It is a whole graphic universe that makes the music heard, through the illustration or the photo.

Resourceful and itinerant, the hobos developed a secret language system, doomed to disappear, to leave clues for their fellow hobos.

Both a visual or life discipline, minimalism has become a questionable trend and consists in simplifying to keep only the essential.

From Uncle Ben’s or Aunt Jemima’s brand name history to Mammy’s syrup, the racist packaging are sitting on a (pancake) powder keg.

Imagine a silent language, without letters or words, for non-humans. In front of your eyes, the yerkish, a language for communicating with monkeys, takes shape.

In the 1950s, in the midst of the Cold War, Paul Rand transformed the use of graphic design and the face of American companies.

The Brand New Conference is an annual 2-day event that brings together the crème de la crème of influential graphic designers and during which brand identity and logos are discussed. An American-style must-have led by a couple of designers who create a new identity for each edition.

Under the influence of Japan, France or Russia, book covers are constantly evolving with technical progress and crises.

Un métier rare comme le yéti : dessinateur de pistes de ski.
Sans le savoir, vous avez très probablement déjà vu des oeuvres de Novat.

Trump will soon be designated as « most powerful man in the world » and we went digging into his past. We actually have evidence that Trump was a graphic designer. True story: he even created the type of IBM’s logo!

A short history of the word Branding.
Brander, brandir, branler… when etymology sheds light on the meaning of words!

Gerard Huerta, designer of many famous logos, including AC/DC, PC Magazine, Time, HBO and the Swiss Army, answers ActuLogo’s questions.

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