In Iran, Mahsa Amini died for a lock of hair poorly concealed behind her headscarf, giving rise to a massive protest movement against the mullahs’ regime. The gesture of a severed lock of hair becoming the symbol of this struggle gives us the opportunity to look back at the many symbolic of hair.

Many brands use colors as symbols to convey their identity. But can we really legally appropriate a color?

Barbara Kruger denounces the over-consumption since the 70s. The Supreme brand has appropriated her graphic codes. But who is hijacking whom?

“Adopte un mec” abandons its shopping cart and unveils its new logo: if women consume more, they devour! A look back at sexist ads.

Why and how anti-feminicide collages, through their “graphic charter” as simple as it is powerful, have opened a wide breach in the public debate.
An opportunity to try to untangle how the “branding of a social movement” differs from the “classic branding of brands”.

The women’s magazine Glamour changed its logo and layout several times before taking a radical turn in early May. Glamour displays a new logo in the United States, a new model in France, and a promise of less “girly” content.

Advertising sometimes offers us UFOs that seem to escape simple marketing specifications to project us towards an unexpected elsewhere. Here’s an analysis of the symbolic mystery of Chanel’s latest Chance perfume ad, directed by Jean-Paul Goude in 2016.

De l’art imberbe à Freud, en passant par les règles bleues des publicités, le sexe féminin fait honte, surtout parce que l’on l’a tant caché. Le voici qui sort enfin de l’ombre et brise peu à peu les tabous.

McDonlads turns over its logo for International Women’s Rights Day… not sure it’s really a feminist act!

From Penguin Editions to the birth of graphic design, the cover is an open book on the social mores of a country and an era.

The disabled pictogram was born in the 60s in the context of the international disability rights movement.
It represents a fight for the widest possible accessibility to places and buildings. Today, it’s feminized… for a new fight!

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