Hans-Peter Hort, “bon vivant” and unknown

15 May 2015  |   0 Comments   |    |  

We continue to explore the series of great names in graphic design, this time with a virtually unknown !

We have to admit that he might not be a major figure in graphic design. No biography is dedicated to him. As surprising as it may seem, I discovered his work by hunting old posters in a bookseller in Basel (Switzerland). I had the chance to buy a set of 10 posters from the 60's for a trifle, including a superb typographic poster for "Rhum Negrita". So I investigated their designer, Hans-Peter Hort.

By crossing the mortuary chronicles of the local gazettes, I came to deduce that he was Swiss, born in 1924 and that he died on March 31, 2010. He must have exercised his activity of graphic designer between the 50's and the 80's.


Hans Peter Hort (1924 - 2010)


It is through another funeral chronicle that we learn more about the character. Indeed, he was a member of the Guillon brotherhood, a club of wine lovers from Vaud. This posthumous tribute portrays a bon vivant who is certainly full of spirit. Here is what it says:

"Life, sometimes, is full of happy surprises. One of them[...] was my meeting with Hans-Peter Hort. Between the young singer of Les Gais Compagnons and the magnificent prefect of the Cotterd de Bâle (the carnival!), friendship will be immediate, instantaneous and lasting. He deserves all the credit. From that moment until the day before his death, he was simply a perfect gentleman, with legendary elegance and a generous smile.
From one tasting to another I watched him with delight exert a kind of fascination on his entourage. His etchanting humour, a Frenchman with an accent that smells good from his native Basel, a British outfit and a good man "à la vaudoise" will have seduced and enchanted many companions. This lover of the lake, this fervent navigator, this worshipper of the chasselas and this faithful of the Confrérie du Guillon will have done more for confederal peace than a thousand ambassadors. He was that friend everyone dreams of having. I had this privilege, I measure my happiness.
He is no more, but the memory remains and, with him, the distinguished charm of the Cotterd of Basel that he made live with so much courtesy." By Philippe Gex.

A few posters...

Here are some posters he was able to make...

If the style is eclectic, some posters are remarkable... including this famous poster for "rum negrita" or this advertising for Bally shoes with this decomposed portrait on shoe boxes.












If you ever have any information about Hans-Peter Hort, don't hesitate to let us know to complete the article!

Sources: The images and texts in this article are presented for educational purposes. All rights reserved.

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