
The CPU has chosen to make its three letters the heart of its new visual identity! New logotype and graphic charter design.
Visual identity of the Franco-German Cultural Fund, a joint cultural program that supports projects in culture and arts in the two countries.
New visual identity for Maisons Paysannes de France, an association working to safeguard traditional rural landscapes and buildings.
Graphéine redesigns the logo and the visual guidelines of Ferney-Voltaire, a city turned towards modernity, strong of its history and in deep evolution.
Visual identity for an energy audit consultancy. A sober and contemporary branding declined on numerous communication supports and a range of pictograms.
New name, new visual identity and new tagline. Graphéine signs the rebranding of Perpignan Métropole public transportation network.
logo campus sup ardenne noir
Naming and visual Identity of the "Campus Sup Ardenne" located in Charleville-Mézières (France). A "pop" identity to promote academic excellence in the Ardenne.
Design of a special commercial brochure for Boris Khalvadjian Lawyers.
New visual identity of Groupe Qualiconsult.
Communication of the 2017 Pérouges Festival: poster design, paper art, brochures... Imagine a paper skull, a multicoloured bird, all forming a contemporary vanity
Logo groupe écologistes du Sénat
Creation of the visual identity of the Ecologist group of the Senate, 12 senators mobilised to bring the voice of ecology to the heart of the Senate. 
Graphéine creates the "Udice" brand to represent the association of the most renowned public and multidisciplinary research universities in France.
Graphéine developed the new visual identity of the Champs Libres de Rennes Métropole around an "interlaced" logo synonymous with cultural connection.
Théâtre la mouche the fly
By using graphic codes from optical art, the monogram "M" becomes the symbol of a place that assumes its mission of cultural epicenter on a territorial level. This seismic shock wave becomes the motif of a vibrant and radiant season that unfolds joyfully in the urban space.
Anamorphic signage design for the Lyon-Saint-Exupéry Airport using kinetic and optical art principles.
Rebranding of a consulting, strategy, management and organization consulting firm. Logotype and graphic charter.
Branding quartier ville de lyon
République - Grolée-Carnot, a brand identity to bring together Lyon's three main shopping streets under the same banner and make it an essential destination.
Graphéine collaborated with the Unaf network in the creation of a new logo to highlight its actions aimed at public authorities and families.
Creation of the new visual identity of Heyraud Paris, French brand of shoes and leather goods created in 1913.
Logotype agence immobilier habitat logement social
Visual identity of All' Access, the home ownership program of Alliade Habitat, a subsidiary of the Action logement group, the leading social landlord in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
Visual identity for La place Numérique, a resource platform and e-learning center about the digital world.
Maison culture grenoble communication
Visual identity of the season and communication campaign for the MC2: Grenoble's cultural center. Questioning the digital society, delivery platforms or Gafas and enhancing the role of creation and cultural places as a factor of social link and shared emotions.
Graphéine updates the brand image of Eurex, an international accounting and consulting group, in constant growth since its creation.
Visual identity of Agrosolutions, the agri-environment consulting subsidiary of the agricultural cooperative group InVivo.
Brand architecture and visual identity of Fontevraud, former royal Abbey listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The District of Aube en Champagne strengthens its image and values thanks to a new visual identity and a redesigned graphic charter.
Graphéine designs the visual identity and signage for "Les 7 Lieux", new media library and innovative third space of Bayeux intercom.
Creation of Fontevraud Museum of Modern Art's visual identity, hosting paintings, drawings and sculptures by 19th and 20th century artists.
A geek and playful visual identity for the "Brain data science" research.
Graphéine agency created the new logo of "La Poule Noire" brewery. The new design combines the image of a hop and a chicken head to create a logo synonymous with beers of strong personality!
Refonte intégrale de l'architecture de marque de Twipi Group, un éditeur de logiciels qui réunit tout l’écosystème de la maintenance immobilière sous un même toit et accompagne les entreprises dans leur transformation digitale.
Complete redesign of the brand architecture of Twipi Group, a software publisher that brings together the entire property maintenance ecosystem under one roof and supports companies in their digital transformation.
Creation of a visual identity for Paris Métropole: logotype, font and graphic charter. Paris Métropole represents a hundred of communities, municipalities, Departments, Regions, that have gathered together to find answers to social, economic, environmental issues of their shared territory.
Naming and visual identity for Citéco, a project of the Banque de France dedicated to the economic culture.
Communication universités france
Global visual identity for the Agency of mutualization of Universities and Establishments. Public university communication in France.
New visual identity for Sixtine, an audiovisual creation studio that films both commercials, documentaries and video clips.
Visual identity and motion design for Relocalyon, the relocation specialist in Lyon, France.
Visual identity for Museomix, the first international cultural makeathon that mixes skills and insights!
Graphéine updates the visual identity of OX avocats, a leading Parisian law consulting firm in the creative and media sectors.
Leaflet design for the Paris Climate Agency (APC) to promote energy saving. It takes the form of a building and can stand as a real one (yes, a tiny one).
New visual identity and brand architecture for Lextenso.
Creation of the brand identity of the Paris Museum Pass. Declination of the identity on various communication media: leaflet, flyer, website...
Brochure design for the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO)